Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Arrivals: Introduction

"I warn you against him (Dajjjal the Antichrist), and there was no prophet but warned his nation against him. But I will tell you something of which no prophet has told his before me. You should know he is one eyed, and Allah is not the one eyed"
-Shahih Bukhari as quoted from Prophet Muhammad PBUH

Based from the hadith above, this clearly that the Dajjal will arise among the ummah Muhammad. It is because the ummah is the last before the destruction day.

Actually, almost every culture has for his coming. While most dread his arrival, there are many who have been preparing for thousands years. Since the beginning of civilization, the foundation of his worship have been put into place like Babylon, Ancient Egypt, Maya etc.

Today are continuously happen in every place in world. Just search every monument, there are many weird logo, arch and monument itself.

The truth is known if you followed this documentary step by step.

If you want to watch this chapter, click:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Arrivals

Now I have the underground documentary entitled The Arrivals produced by Noregaa Production. This documentary consist 53 episodes that divide in 4 section. This documentary want to show us about many sign of the arrival of Antichrist, Imam Mahdi, and lastly Jesus that saved the human from Antichrist sinner. Insha-Allah, I would give you the brief synopsis about each chapters in this documentary.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Real Part vs Imaginary Part


What do you think about real part and imaginary part?

In the mathematical language, real part is the number that we can calculate meanwhile the imaginary part is the number the we cannot calculate directly with real part. The real part represent x-axis while imaginary part represent y-axis.

What about in life?
Do you think real part and imaginary part are important?

In daily life, imaginary is what we want to do now and future. For example, I want marry with a princess, buy a expensive vehicle like Ferrari, build a bungalow at hillside, etc...
However, the real situation is differ what we imaging. Maybe what that stated above can be done, but it contain many risks, nails and many more to reach that. Furthermore, we cannot sure what happen next. If we cannot reach what we imaging, it will break your heart and your motivation. Thus, you will find the high building and jump downward. In addition, the imaging sometimes too fantasy and not realistic to inter-prate in our daily life.

So, why these are so important?

Actually, we as human cannot escape either imaginary or reality in our life. With imaginary, you can do it as your dream a.k.a. ambition. With these ambition, a person tried with his/her best to reach that although there are many risks at this line. The imaginary related to reality. It's that right?